0151 289 2761

0151 245 2979
(Cheshire & Wirral)

01942 597077

01925 563593

Commitment to the Community

Bereavement Counselling:

The Barbara Bettle Foundation

Caring Connections originally set up the Barbara Bettle Foundation (BBF) in 2017, now commonly known as our Bereavement Counselling Service or referred to as the Service throughout this proposal. The Service was set up in memory of Knowsley resident Barbara Bettle who lost her life to suicide in 2015. Barbara was a lovely person with a loving family, daughter and friends. She was in full time employment, a member of various volunteer organisations and was a massive Evertonian; it was never expected that she would take her own life. The impact of her death had devastating impact on all those who knew her, all equally sharing the shock that something like this would happen to Barbara. Barbara’s case is similar to many as people are left in total shock and having to adapt to a world without that person.

The Service currently has four professionally qualified counsellors who provide 1-on-1 support to those bereaved in a safe, confidential, and therapeutic environment. Two full time, 2 part time. Our counsellors utilise various types of therapy, including Cognitive Behavioural, Person-Centred and Psychodynamic approaches. All counsellors must have a minimum of Level 4 Diploma in Counselling with an approved course provider. Using the professional knowledge and experience of our counsellors, we develop the most appropriate therapeutic approach for everyone we see and work towards several positive outcomes.

Our bereavement counselling is over seen by our Chief Executive and is responsible for promoting the Service with local stakeholders and evaluating its effectiveness.

We work closely with local Northwest councils, local Public Health bodies, GP practices, social prescribing teams, Citizen Advice bureaux and other local charitable partners to build referral processes.

Our organisation is a member of the BACP / National Counselling Service as well as affiliated with a number of national suicide prevention organisations.

All counselling is provided fully funded, telephone based at a time that suits the individual.

If you would like support please contact us on 01512892761


At Caring Connections we are committed to providing the highest quality of care. The charity has been in operation since 1992 so are well experienced in providing the best care to you and your loved ones.

As a charity we ensure all monies are reinvested to improve services and deliver charitable community projects. We are for people not profits!

The organisation is registered with the Care Quality Commission for the delivery of personal care. Our latest inspection report was in September 2024 in which we were rated Good in all areas.

Registered Charity Number: 1013152.

How we achieve Quality

As part of our commitment to quality we have a range of staff and systems in place to manage to quality


Real time monitoring of staff rotas ensuring effective, timely and responsive care provision.

The PASS System
The PASS System

Electronic Care Planning to ensure you / loved ones care needs are managed in real time in which quality issues can be addressed immediately. This ensures Safety, Responsiveness and most of all our services are caring going that extra step to meet an individual’s needs.

The Open Pass System
The Open Pass System

As a user of our service you also have access to the Open Pass system:

This system provides full access to real time care records, care plans and visits. This provides full transparency and peace of mind. Find out more on the link below.


Connecting people with quality care

Get in touch

Mon - Thurs: 09:00 - 17:00
Fri: 09:00 - 16:00
1st Floor Edward House, Earl of Derby House Complex, North Mersey Business Centre, Woodward Road, Knowsley Industrial Estate, L33 7UY

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